Massage Therapy
Continuing Education Classes
with Dr. Ben Benjamin

Assessment and Treatment of the Hip, Thigh, Lower Leg, Foot & Ankle

Ben Benjamin
Saturday, July 27 - Sunday, July 28, 2024
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
14 CEs
Fee: $398

How do you treat scar tissue on the anterior surface of the Achilles tendon? Since the Soleus is deep to the Gastrocnemius, how can you treat it manually? Do you know how to test the Anterior Talofibular Ligament to see if it’s injured?

It’s difficult to treat an injury unless you can actually locate it with your hands. A unique feature of this workshop is teaching you detailed anatomy palpation, which is more kinesthetic than textbook learning, as well as detailed  assessment techniques for each individual injury. Under supervision, you will learn how to find and treat each of the 24 discreet, often challenging, injuries taught in this course. Both the Friction and Myofascial treatment techniques are designed to be most effective for the client, while causing a minimal amount of stress on the practitioner.

For more information and to register, visit